Supporting KU Debate
The proud winning tradition and educational experience of participating in KU Debate is a direct result of the generous private support that KU Debate alums, coaches and friends provide. Since 1978, KU Debate has been supported in part through private donations made to KU Endowment Association for KU Debate. Private donations permit KU Debate to have a program that can travel its students nationally and compete with students from the nation's top colleges and universities. We are working towards a fully endowed program – able to support travel, research, students through scholarships, and coaches through graduate student scholarships. Your contribution will help KU Debate expand its reach – to more students and to more competitive opportunities.
Charitable Contributions. Tax-deductible, charitable contributions can be made to several accounts maintained at the KU Endowment Association for the benefit of the KU Debate program. It is important that you mark your check for the KU Debate account that you intend your gift to support. Account numbers and contribution methods are listed below. KU Debate thanks you for your generous support in any amount.
Contributions to the KU Debate Program can be made diretly through KU Endowment:
For More Information on Supporting KU Debate Contact:
Dan Simon
Team Lead/Senior Development Director
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
KU Endowment Association
Direct Line: 785.832.7378
Toll Free: 800.444.4201 x378
Cell phone: 785.218.4734
Send Checks to:
Dan Simon
Team Lead/Senior Development Director
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
KU Endowment Association
Direct Line: 785.832.7378
Toll Free: 800.444.4201 x378
Cell phone: 785.218.4734
To ensure that KU Debate benefits, be sure to indicate the specific KU Debate Fund Number (35088). Account numbers must appear on your check and accompany your donation.
KU Endowment permits online giving by VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.
- Online. Click on the "Donations to the General Debate Fund" link above to make your gift. This will take you directly to the KU Endowment site where you can make your gift.
- Call it in. Contributions can be made using VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover over the phone. You may call in a credit card contribution to KU Debate by phoning the KU Endowment at (785-832-7350) (Paula Sloan) and providing the following information:
- Type of credit card
- Amount of contribution
- Name on credit card
- KU Debate Fund Number that you wish to support (35088)
By giving appreciated securities held long-term (one year +), you can deduct the full market value of your stock, saving income taxes and capital gains taxes on the appreciated amount.
- Stock held by a broker. For Electronic Transfer, either you or your broker should contact the KU Endowment for instructions to transfer via DTC.
- Stock held directly in certificate form. If your stock is not held at a broker and you wish to mail your certificates, please send unendorsed certificates along with a cover letter specifying the purpose of the gift in one envelope. In a second envelope, send a signed, signature guaranteed stock power. A stock power form can be obtained at your local bank. We strongly recommend using registered mail to forward your certificates and stock power. Please do not mail endorsed certificates. An endorsed certificate is legal tender which can be exchanged by anyone.
You will need the following information:
- Donor name
- Stock name
- Number of shares
- Name and telephone number of broker
- KU Debate Fund Number (see above)
KU Endowment makes it easy to establish an endowed fund supporting KU Debate. The Endowment facilitates gifts typically made over a 5-year horizon to meet certain targeted thresholds and will work with donors' individual circumstances. A pledge and initial check are sufficient to begin establishing an endowed fund in honor of or in memory of an individual or to support a particular program objective. KU Endowment works with donors to tailor endowed funds to the goals of the donor and the needs of the KU Debate program. Endowed funds also create a stable and permanent foundation foundation for the support of forensics at the University of Kansas.
- Endowed Award. For $10,000, the KU Endowment will create a permanently endowed award.
- Endowed Scholarship Fund. For $30,000, the KU Endowment will establish a permanently endowed scholarship fund in the name of the honored individual(s) or group (e.g., a class gift).
KU Endowment can assist you with planning for a testamentary gift to support KU Debate. There is a wide range of different testamentary gifts that will support KU Debate. Among the options are a cash bequest of a specified dollar amount, the bequest of specified assets (cash, stock, etc.), or a residuary bequest of all or a percentage of the remainder of an estate after specific legacies, debts, taxes and estate expenses have been deducted.
The following language is recommended for a bequest to KU Endowment Association for the benefit of KU Debate:
I ( bequeath or devise ) to THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION ( dollar amount or percentage of residuary estate ) to be used by the University of Kansas for ( KU Debate, scholarships to support KU Debate, or other defined purpose ).